"The little theater with a lot of heart!"

Rehearsal Voice & Dance Recordings
Our Musical Director and Choreographer are recording vocal and dance parts for all songs. All recording will be on the BAND app.
Mean Girls High School Version
Rehearsal Tracks
Rehearsal Tracks for Mean Girls High School Version are available through MTI's RehearsScore App that you can download on your computer (MAC only) or cell phone (both Android or Apple devices).
To start, download the RehearScore app for your Apple or Android device and log in.
Your username is: meangirlshighschoolversion
Your password is: 75484963
Get to know the RehearScore (App) with this Quick Start Guide.
MTI Player App
Please note:
A personal username is not needed to access rehearsal tracks. All you will need is the rehearsal code.
Before downloading, be sure that you have enough space on your device to download the music and verify you have a strong WiFi Connection.
If you leave the app, it will cancel your download and you may have to start over again in downloading the music.
Once the tracks are downloaded, set your device in airplane mode with WiFi turned off when playing the tracks. Playback can be disrupted if the device receives a phone call or text message or if the device installs automatic updates.
For technical questions regarding MTI Player, please call (877) 845 4704 or email player@mtishows.com.